
Curriculum Intent for Science 

Curriculum Aims 

Our intent at the Kingfisher Federation is to promote the joy of asking questions, to encourage children to be inquisitive; we want children to see themselves as Scientists. We want children to be equipped with knowledge and skills of science to enable them to become our future, engineers, inventors and scientists. 

Each term we plan full coverage of the curriculum using the ‘SNAP SCIENCE’ scheme. Units are structured across the term as roughly two lessons per week, however class teachers have flexibility to ‘block’ groups of lessons if appropriate. 

Science is a core subject within the National Curriculum, therefore we have used our chosen scheme to carefully map learning so that children have secure and detailed knowledge of all aspects of science across a two-year rolling programme. Emphasis is placed on practical aspects of science. Links are made across units to embed learning, as well as links across subject areas to support children to apply their learning. 

In EYFS, children are given opportunities to practise the skills taught in their Science lessons as part of their continuous provision. 

We live in a beautiful part of the world and are fortunate to be surrounded by wonderful green spaces. Therefore, within our curriculum we also plan specific longitudinal studies that ensure that children gain a secure understanding of the world immediately around them, for example knowing names of common trees. 

Our school sites have spaces that enable the enrichment of science and embedding learning, there are areas for exploring, for growing plants, for observing aquatic life (pond).  

Lower and upper Key Stage Two from all schools attend a residential at a local site that places a great emphasis on learning outdoors in its beautiful grounds. 

All schools are part of the Ogden Waveney partnership which provides the opportunity for children to take part in scientific enrichment opportunities with other local schools, as well as providing further CPD opportunities for staff. 

How does this subject develop spirituality? 

Throughout our Science curriculum, we provide many opportunities for pupils to learn about nature, explore the role they play in protecting our world and how they can contribute to their wider environment. Through the skills children learn as scientists, children are encouraged to ask ‘big questions’ about the world around us, take risks, demonstrate curiosity and open mindfulness. Staff model openness to the fact that not all answers can be provided by Science. 


Assessment in this subject is carried out across the unit of learning. It involves questioning and observations by staff as well as children’s self-assessment. Children are given time and encouragement to celebrate successes, as well as think, respond and consider how they would improve next time.  

We consider a final assessment at the end of the unit of learning, against the intended learning outcomes. These are uploaded to our shared file to inform planning by teachers and subject leaders.  

Science progression of skills

Science Progression Map 2023

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